So tomorrow evening, we're off to London for a week -- I'm sure all of you will miss my online presence, what with
how often I update and all. Anyway, it should be interesting since none of us (my parents, my brother, and me) have been to England before, but I hope the weather isn't too terrible. I think we're all bringing our own umbrellas. Heh.
I've recently been feeling sort of out of place, what with our impending move, the impending trip and the fact I only packed (most of) my stuff today, and on top of a bunch of other stuff, most of our furniture (and etcetera) is being sold off to various people at low prices and it just feels like everything I've become familiar with other the last 16 years in this house is being divided up into other people's homes and none of it (or most of it, at least) won't be coming with us to the new place. I
like the place we live now. I was ready to move
last year, but we couldn't sell our house then and so the whole concept of selling the place went away for a while, and now it's back, and it's actually been sold, and it's a done deal, and we've got to leave this place oh no. I've enjoyed living in a house. Not anticipating with great enjoyment moving to a place where we won't have our own lawn and pretty trees
and that requires an elevator to get to. Argh!
Another source of unease is the fact that I've gone through 3 years of university studying commerce, and I'd hoped that at this point I business more than I do? Be more excited about it? I mean, it isn't all bad, and I do enjoy some of the subjects at least some of the time, but...I don't think I have the same amount of ambition/drive/interest in this and that worries me, because I don't have a lot of interest in any other academic fields, either. I've generally been feeling hugely unmotivated lately, in productive pursuits of most kinds. I don't know if I'm cut out for this, but I don't know what I
am cut out for. Is it the subject matter? Is it the university? Is it me? (The answer to that last one should be fairly self-evidently "yes", really.) I don't know what I could study other than this that I would be more...invested in, and actually do well, and...I don't know. I don't think I'll ever know what the hell it is that I really want to -- and can -- do.
Mom's started invoking the "but we're moving soon" clause on my shopping habits -- not that I'm wanting to buy anything especially large or anything, but still. Even if we were moving in a year from now, it's really quite a handy phrase for her to have at her disposal, isn't it? :) Anyway, the things I was going to get were the one-disc
Phantom DVD, which I think is supposed to be selling at FutureShop for $23.99, but when we were at the store (my brother bought a digital camera), it was selling for only $19.99, which is an almost 17% discount. Le sigh. If I went back now, it'd probably be $23.99; BestBuy and FutureShop label their stuff wrong a lot.
The other thing I wanted to buy was the
A Series of Unfortunate Events Ominous Omnibus, which is the first 3 books all combined as one, and Costco was selling it at some good price. I wanted to borrow the first book from the library to see if I like it, but it's always out, so hey. Besides, I always look at books (except for textbooks) as good investments.
Anyway, that's it for now from my little peanut gallery. Wish you all a brilliant week. Do you know what will make your week even better? Leaving me comments. Really. No, REALLY. No, I'm not just saying that to fish for comments and how dare you suggest such a thing? ;)
Got some more stuff to pack. I'm outta here.